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Monday, January 15, 2018

How to Make $79-$97/day with Clickbank and Youtube (Without Creating any Videos)?

A couple years ago one of our employees (he’s a former writer on lost his job.
He was excellent at what he did (he was a graphic designer), but the company that he worked with, simply didn’t had the resources to maintain so many people. So they had to let him go.
He told us, “I have been working with this company for over 7 years and I thought this will last forever, but I was wrong.”
“It was devastating” – he emphasized.
“I could of have build my own company, but it was just too much work. I needed to find something that was easy, fast and with almost instant results, since I had bills to pay”.
Since he was a graphic designer, he did a lot of work for affiliate marketers, so he knew that there is a way to make money on the internet.
He created a Youtube account and started to throw up ideas and videos to see what happens.
“I was desperate. I did all kind of crazy things. I have probably tested over 20 niches.”
One early Sunday morning he was astonished finding that one of his video made him his first $37 online!
“I couldn’t believe it. Until I got paid to my bank account, I thought it was all fake and someone will take that money from me” – he said.
And then it started.
He made another $16.25 on the next day, then $58.36 on the third day.
“This is when I realized that if I would upload more videos, my income would double or even tipple”.
And it did.
A week later he was averaging $79-$97/day spending just 30 min a day, uploading videos for Clickbank, JVZoo and Warrior Plus products.
But the most interesting part is that he didn’t had to create any of his own videos.
“These videos did all the selling for me. All I had to do is upload them”.
“We actually started to upload those videos together with my wife. It was very simple.”
One of our main priorities here at is to provide income methods and systems that are:
• easy (no technical skills)
• fast (30-60min/day)
• scalable (to reach at least $100-$300/day)
• autopilot (make money while you sleep)

And the following step-by-step method is exactly that.
After sharing the method with our inner circle members, it didn’t took long to receive a positive response.
Here are just a few of them:

So if you are ready, let’s get started.

Overview of the method

As we promised, we won’t bore you with the technical or theoretical mambo jumbo stuff. This will be 100% of pure actionable material.
We like to go straight to the point with our method and provide 100% of actionable stuff, including screenshots and live examples, so that you can implement it right away and hopefully see money coming in very soon.
What we are gonna be doing is promoting affiliate offers leveraging the third largest
website in the world,
At first we promoted Clickbank products. And it works great if you want to promote Clickbank products.
But then we tried JVZoo and Warrior plus and it really blew up.
Mainly because JVzoo and Warrior Plus have a ton of products to choose from.
However, these affiliate offers are not simple make money online guides (that usually get low conversion rates and lots of refunds).
No. We will promote high value products that actually help people to save their time and make more money. We are talking about the software and WordPress plugins in the „make money online“ niche.
Here are just a few reasons why we like to promote these offers:
#1. Provide instant results for your customer
#2. Higher conversion rates
#3. Less refunds
#4. Higher payouts
#5. Sell for themselves (you will soon find out why!).
Most Youtube guides will tell you to create your own videos, which is where many new marketers give up straight away. Luckily, not this time 🙂 With this method you don’t need to create any of your own videos.
Your only job is to:
1. Find these offers.
2. Download the video (we will show you how and where you can find it).
3. Upload it on Youtube with your affiliate link in the description box.
4. Make money!
Sounds too simple? Probably. But does it work? Like a gangbusters!
Here are our last month’s stats:

These are just a few of many affiliate products we promote on Youtube through affiliate network.
As we said, Clickbank will work just as great as JVZoo or Warrior Plus.
Now. We are NOT showing these stats to brag or anything.
We want you to see what’s possible to achieve for YOU too, using the exact method we are going to reveal you in just a second.

Finding affiliate offers to promote.

So there are three main places for „Make Money Online“ plugins and software:
We personally like to promote Warrior Special Offers (WSOs) through But that’s just us. Any network listed above will do the work really. In fact, using all three you will have more offers to choose from and way less competition.
Later we will show you how we find offers on all of the three affiliate networks (including Clickbank).

Picking up an offer from the

Let’s open up the and see what new products have been recently released. To do that, you need to sign up and go to Affiliates > Offers.


We can instantly see one product available to promote.
So now that we found the offer, we need to to download the video.
Here’s how to download a high quality, high converting video legally (without even editing it) and upload back with your affiliate link.

Downloading the video

Finding and downloading videos is very simple.
We simply go to the sales page and see if there’s a video inside it.

This is exactly what we need. A detailed video explaining all about the plugin.
Click the right mouse button on the video and copy the video URL.
Please keep in mind that selecting the right offer is vitally important. This offer
looks great, but we would pick something that is more in demand. Anything related to
automation/bots/auto-blogging is what you should be aiming for.
 TIP: Use the search function to filter out WP plugins and software only.
Let’s type “plugin” and see what happens..

Boom.. 277 WP plugins to choose from 🙂
Not bad.
Let’s go to the marketplace now and do the same there..

141 results.
But the most WP Plugins are launched on JVZoo.

Over 3100 WP plugins!
As you can see, there are hundreds of plugins for us to promote and many more being released every single day.
So the opportunity here is almost limitless.
Ok, now that we copied the video URL, go ahead and open up a Youtube video download site Paste the url and hit „Download MP4“ as shown below:

The exact same process applies to JVZoo and Clickbank products.
1. Visit the offer page
2. Copy the video URL
3. Download the video
Sometimes videos may not be hosted on Youtube, in that case, simply type the name of the product in the Youtube search field and you should easily find it.

Uploading the video on Youtube

Our next step is to upload the video to your Youtube account.
Here we highly recommend to start with at least 5 different YT accounts.
Most marketers will use just one account, then upload a few videos and complain that it doesn’t work. But this is exactly what differentiates newbies from advanced marketers, who make lots of money.
It’s the number of videos uploaded on Youtube that matters.
But don’t worry about that for now.
Having just one channel will do the work for a start.
Let’s upload the video…
 TIP: Before you upload, make sure the name of the video file is exactly the same
that you will be using for your title. This will help you rank the video in Youtube or Google.

The process for uploading the video is pretty straight forward, you log into your Youtube account, click the upload button and you’ll arrive at this page:

Optimizing the video

Optimizing your videos for higher google and youtube search rankings is very important.
So, be sure to implement every strategy that is on this section.



If you noticed, we’ve not used the default title name that probably 90% of marketers would use (which is Associate Goliath WP Plugin Review). There are just too many videos already named like this and it would be hard to compete with them.
What you want to do is to be creative and come up with a lot of different title variations to reach more wider audience.
Criteria to be considered to optimize your title:
– Catchy title
– Asking a question
– Using power keywords such as discover, reveal, amazing, instant etc.
Or you can go on Google and type something like..

Here are a few more examples we would probably use for this particular WP plugin:
Best WordPress Amazon Autoblogging Plugin?
Automatically Post Amazon products to my blog
Amazon affiliate automation plugin
Auto post Amazon products to blog
Autoblogging plugin for Amazon Affiliates
How can i use amazon affiliate with autoblog?
Best auto blogging WP plugin for Amazon?
Best Amazon auto blogging WordPress plugin?
How to auto post Amazon products on my blog
How to automatically post Amazon products on my blog
How to add Amazon products on blog automatically
Amazon Associates Autoblog plugin
Amazon Associates Autoblog WP plugin

and so on…


There are three main things we like to stick with when it comes to video description:
1. We want our affiliate link to be on top and highly visible.
2. We add our other title variations in the description box for better rankings.
3. Sometimes we even add the URL of the video. In case someone would scrape the video and add it on their blog. This will give us a free back-link from their blog back to our Youtube video 🙂
For higher click through rate we also like to cloak our affiliate link with my own domain. So, for this example we would do something like:
If you have your own domain and want to do these kind of redirects, check out:
If you are completely new, you can start by using or any other link shortening service to cloak your affiliate links.
Description criteria:
– Start with the link
– Include your primary keyword in the beginning
– Depending on the text length and keyword density, consider having your primary keyword in the middle and in the end of the text body
– Add LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing = relevant, related) keywords or some title variations you came up with.


Here we add every tag related to the product and some other title variations.
Criteria for tags:
– Primary keyword
– Primary keyword variations
– Author’s name
– Product website address
– The more tags the better
Make sure your Video’s privacy settings are set for Public viewing and your Category
is correct and hit publish!

Finalizing the Video

After your video is live you need to add some annotations for a visible call to action for your viewers. We like to keep it easy on our viewers, too many annotations and they get mad and leave. Or X out of them.
Click on „Edit“ near the video and select “Annotations“.

You can add multiple things, but the goal is fairly simple and that’s to make people click your affiliate link in the description. Here you can see the types of annotations you can use to achieve that:

And we type something like this:

After you are done, hit publish again.
Congratulation, you have your very first affiliate video on Youtube!

How to upload the same video (on the same account) using different title names?

If you decide to upload the same video on the same account (using a different title name), Youtube will tell you that the same video already exists.
This is where you need to slightly edit your video by trimming it.
This can easily be done in the Youtube video editor. In order to do so just enter “Trim Youtube Video” in the Youtube search box and you’ll find tons of tutorials on how to do that:

By making the video unique you won’t get an error message saying you are uploading a duplicate video.

How to increase your conversions by 10x

OK, so the above method is when you download and upload videos without editing them.
This methods works like crazy.
The more videos you upload, the more you will make.
However, if you want to seriously take this method to a whole another level, this is what we would recommend:
1. Create 1 high quality (branded channel) dedicate to WP plugins and software reviews only.
2. Record and add your own short intro and outro (showing your own face) in between the demo presentation you download.
All you need to do is just capture yourself in front of the camera (3 minutes is enough), but this will highly improve trust, credibility and your conversion rates.
In the intro you simply introduce them to this awesome plugin you found.
In the outro you remind them to click on the link below the video for more information.
This will work even more effectively than just having an annotation on the video.
Now imagine having 10 plugins that each generate $300 a month?
That’s $3000 every single month on complete autopilot!
We hope you enjoyed this sneaky method.
What are you waiting for? 🙂 Take action today! Good luck!

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